Pipe Threading

What Is Pipe Threading And What Is It For?

You may have heard the term “pipe threading” before and wondered what it was and what it was for. To put it plainly, it is actually the spiral lines that you see at the end of pipes and these are used for fitting pipes together. These threads come in a number of different sizes and types that allow for proper coupling and connections according to their use.

Male And Female Pipe Threading

Those who are not that familiar with plumbing and the importance of these pipe threads will not be aware of the fact that these threads come in both a male and female variant. The male pipe thread is the one that you see on the outside of pipe ends, while the female thread is the one that you can see on the inside. These two have to align properly in order for a connection to be properly and securely established.

To create these threads, certain standards have to be followed. For wet applications, NPT (National Pipe Thread) standards have to be followed. For non-liquid uses, pipe threads have to conform to NPSM standards or the Free-Fitting Straight Mechanical Pipe Thread National Standard. Garden hoses and fire hose couplings in the US also follow their own thread standards, which are the GHT and the NST respectively.

How Pipe Threading Is Made

Pipe threading is created with the help of pipe-threading machines. Also called pipe threaders, these machines come in many different shapes and sizes to facilitate the creation of threads on different kinds and sizes of pipes. The grooves and threads that are cut into these pipes are made with the help of special cutting dies or tools that come in regulatory sizes.

Once threads are cut into pipes with the use of these threading machines, a thread reamer is then brought in. These reamers help clean the lines that were created by these machines and remove any debris or burrs that can make connecting pipes difficult.