There has been much concern among users trying to know the difference betweem B7M and L7M materials. These materials are highly popular when they require the bolts and nuts to be compliant with NACE 0175. Popular with Xylan coating, these bolts are highly called for in Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam.
ASTM A193 B7M, being under the A193 standards, fall under the Standard Specification for Alloy Steel and Stainless Steel Bolting for High Temperature or High Pressure Service and Other Special Purpose Application
ASTM A320 L7M, being under the A320 standards, fall under the Standard Specification for Alloy Steel and Stainless Steel Bolting for Low Temperature Service
This different temperature service services to differentiate B7M from L7M material. Clients should be aware of the operating conditions before they make their requests for B7M and L7M bolts. A misuse may lead to potentially big problems.
To enhance corrosion resistance, bolts and nuts can be coated with Xylan coat, zinc plating, cadmium plating and hot dipped galvanizing.